About Thrive

Nutrition advice you can trust.

Confused by all of the nutrition information out there? I have a degree in nutrition, so you don’t have to! I will translate the most up-to-date scientific research into real life practices to help you establish lifelong healthy eating habits.

Here is what you can expect from working with Melinda, your personal Registered Dietitian:

Learn what, when and how to eat. You probably already have a good idea of what’s healthy and what’s not… so why aren’t you seeing results? I will help you to put it all together: the balance, the timing and the amount that’s right for you.

Identify and help you overcome barriers. Everyone has challenges. Sometimes, we grow so accustomed to them that we don’t even realize how much they are holding us back. I will help you see what’s moving you towards your goals and what might be keeping you from doing and being your best.

You’re not doing it alone. Having someone you are accountable to when you set goals can be a huge motivator. Knowing that your Dietitian will be checking in with you can help you stick to your action plan, and will help you get back on track when life throws unexpected challenges your way.

You have a trusted resource. What protein powder should I buy? Should I be taking fish oil? What’s the scoop on this latest trendy diet? You can ask your Dietitian all of your burning nutrition questions, knowing that you’ll get an answer based on the latest science and research (not the latest social media buzz or Netflix documentary).

You’ll get emotional support. You might not even realize it, but how you feel has a big impact on your appetite and what, how and when you eat. Getting a handle on how your emotions affect your relationship with food can make it easier to overcome emotional and stress-eating, and your Dietitian will set you up with strategies to help you repair your relationship with food and change your habits for good.

Melinda Edmonds



As an active and busy mom of 3 kids, I understand firsthand the challenge of balancing work, family, school, extracurricular activities, and exercise. I know the difference that healthy eating can make to not just surviving, but conquering each day. My passion is teaching people how to use whole, nutritious foods to help them live, learn, work, and play better. 

I have over 14 years' experience in a hospital setting and have operated Thrive Nutrition Coaching since 2012. My areas of expertise include weight management, emotional and disordered eating, hormone and thyroid disorders, mental health, women's health, brain injury and spinal cord injury, chronic disease management (diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol), digestive issues, hypertrophy and sports nutrition. I help clients with meal planning and create customized diet plans that help them achieve great health and feel their best - physically and emotionally.

When I’m not in the kitchen, chances are you will find me outside looking for adventure - climbing mountains, running, hiking, skiing, wakeboarding or playing with my kids. 


  • Registered Dietitian

  • Certified Sports Nutritionist

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Nutrition) - University of Guelph

  • Dietetic Internship - St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto

  • CrossFit Level 2 Trainer with certifications in CrossFit Kids, Gymnastics and Weightlifting

Wondering what the difference is between a Registered Dietitian and a Nutritionist?
Dietitians have university-level education in food, nutrition and health and are governed by a provincial regulatory body. The title of Nutritionist is not protected and does not require any special training or education. There’s a rumour out there that Dietitians only counsel based on the food guide… this couldn’t be further from the truth! We take every aspect of your lifestyle, medical history and activity into account to give you customized guidance to reach your goals.

Get in touch to find out how our Nutrition Coaches can help you feel your best.